Tuesday, 13 January 2009

ஒஉர் லாந்து ஸ்டில் Withstands


Soon we maybe standing on the threshold of victory in the Karenland.

Many are called to the frontline but only a few choose with good intent to go forward into heart freezing battle trusting in their fellows and not suspecting our mission or ourseleves of self-interested motives. We must make a stand and will hold the day. we have choosen to bear unfliching the storm of batle, to be the bulwark of the army. Like great slabs of granite in terrible flooding waters.

The men who volunteer and are choosen for this task are above average in moral and physical courage. We are famed for our staunchest in the front rank. Renowned for being infront of an army.

It was not vain glory which led each and all of us to devote ourselves to what lies ahead but duty and honour; not bad motives or intentions.

We sacrifice voluntarily, for the freedom of the earth, our comfort and security, and venture our liberty and lives for the sake of others who suffer oppression, not the acts of ill-disposed people. we desire to serve our day and generation in the manner that seems to hand for the generation yet to be born while acknowledging the one that preceded us.#

We can be counted on to go forward into conflict with confidence in each other and that our day will come. Victory in battle cannot be counted on but be assured that we will bring this war to an end and will keep faith with out brothers in arms without boastfulness or forgetting our duty, resolved to do the right in so far as we may see it!

Our mission is to enable a system of Goverance in this place and in the world in which all men can live at peace with each other and where there is equal opportunities of service and sacrifice.

O Our Lord God, let our courage be the greater, our will harder, as our strength grows less. God grant your servants final and total victory and peace at last. Knowing the vanity of man's efforts, the futility of his plans and the confusion of his purpose.

Let us pray God, the giver of all glories, may grant us the right to spend ourselves in the service of the good and just, and so direct our efforts to endeavour to do all and be satiasfied when all is said and done with the fruits of our labours.

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