Thursday, 8 January 2009

Funeral of Pa Doh Mahn Shar

I WAS BACK IN THAILAND IN FEBRUARY THIS YEAR TO VISIT MY LOVELY THAI PARTNER, NARUEMON "KOON NOOT" SUPSAN, FOR SAINT VALENTINE'S DAY SO WE BOTH COULD HAVE A WELL DESERVED BREAK FROM WORK AND GO ON A ROMANTIC HOLIDAY TOGETHER. I DID INDEED MEET UP WITH NOOT ON THE 14TH IN THE BORDER TOWN OF MAE SOT, AS WE PLANNED. AND EVEN SPENT OUR IS MORNING TOGETHER IN A VERY LONG TIME. BUT, UNFORTUNATELY THAT VERY SAME DAY THE SECRETARY GENERAL OF BURMA'S LARGEST REBEL GROUP THAT I SEEKING A PEACE SETTLEMENT, THE KAREN NATIONAL UNION, WAS ASSASSINATED. Pa Doh Mahn Shar Lah Phan, who was is sixties, was shot at his home in this Thai border town. Mae Sot is somewhat of a 'mini-Burma' and many rebel groups base themselves there. He was targeted by two men in a pick-up-truck, while on he veranda of his home. He is said to have died instantly. ... the KNU and its military wing, the Karen National Liberation Army, have spent nearly 60 years fighting the Burmese government. They are trig to establish an autonomous Karen state in the east of Burma. The KNU/KNLA protects the Karen people from abuses and atrocities carried out by the military regime. Despite their world renowned fighting spirit, the Karen rebels have suffered a number of setbacks recently, which include political split an defections to the junta. The KNU, through its armed wing the KNLA, has been fighting for greater autonomy since 1949. The KNLA split in half in 1994, with a new group the DKBA, making a pact and allying itself with the junta. The KNU and the junta reached a 'gentleman's agreement' in 2003, but it quickly broke down as the junta clearly had no real intention to keep it. Mahn Shar read History at Yangon University and was sponsored by Mahn Ba Zan, Robert's father, but in 1962 he joined the Karen movement in the jungle bases on the Thai-Burmese border. He was one of the leading light in the KNU being groomed to take over the troubled leadership. Indeed he was General Saw Bo Mya' aide de camp for a long time before Bo Mya resigned due to his failing health. Mahn Shar became General Secretary of the KNU just as it had to face serious internal conflicts which came to a head after the death of General Saw Bo Mya at Christmas Eve 2006. Mahn Shar was very much a veteran of the Karen Peoples struggle for for dignity and independence. He was highly respected among both ethnic and Burman allies. While the Burmese military junta viewed him as a strong leader with whom they could have genuine politcal dialogue. He saw his mission for bringing unity and solidarity to the Karen and negotiating a just peace settlement for his people and all the peoples of Burma. The Karen are just one of many ethnic minorities in Burma. Much smaller rebel groups still exists in the adjacent Shan, Karenni and Mon states. Militarily, the Karen have been driven further and further back towards the Thai border. Last year Pa Doh Mahn Shar said: Whatever happens, we cannot surrender...If the government won't offer us a proper peace settlement, we have to carry on fighting." His death has been a very serious blow to the democracy movement in Burma as a whole, occurring as it did just before the Constitution Referendum which is being held as I write. Mahn Shar predicted an increase in bloodshed ahead of this very contraversial event! He said that the Burmese military had issued a hit list for various prominent people to be killed. He is survived by his wife and three children, two daughters and one son, whom have released a statement:- "...He dedicated his life to the struggle, and always, put the welfare of his people and his country before himself. His example of determination and self-sacrifice to win our freedom won him the love and respect of not just the Karen people, but also the Burmese democracy movement and of freedom loving people around the world...We are proud to be his children, as all karen people and all people who long for freedom in Burma are proud of him. Our father maybe dead but we will remember him. He taught us that it was our duty to work for the Karen people, and as his children we continue his dedicated work towards true freedom for our people and peace in our country. His determination for freedom and democracy lives on within us and within the Karen People. He did not live to see freedom for our people, but his dream will be fulfilled. The Karen, and all the people of Burma, will be free."
I was invited to go to rebel held area of the Karen State in Burma to attend Pa Doh Mahn Shar's funeral in the GHQ camp of the 7th brigade of the KNLA. I did so with members of a youth movement from the Arakan State in the west of Burma. While he lived he was the embodiment of magnanimity and equanimity. He is so sorely missed, but the work which all live in dignity will go on, for all who love freedom and justice will continue on inspired by his stand and his sacrifice. As I write this a massive international aid effort the cyclone NARGIS victims of the devasted Burma was being kept on hold by the country's isolationist and secretive junta. The entire lower delta region is under water, 25,000 people have been killed and over a million made homeless.Burma has been under the military rule since 1962. The military regime was widely criticised for suppressing pro-democracy parties such as the National League for Democracy (NLD) which led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, a Noble Peace Prize leaurate, who has been under house arrest for the more 12 of past 18 years. Thousands of peaceful protesters, many monks, were detained and at least 31 people were killed last september when the junta cracked down on the "Saffron Revolt", a series of peaceful protests led by Buddhists monks and democracy advocates.

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